Tuesday, January 22, 2013


As we get into the craziness that is 2013 already, we're working on being thankful around here, at least I am.  It's so easy to get caught up in the crazy, especially now with NoodleBug starting to do new things everyday and growing faster than I can keep up with, we're moving in the next month and a half, and trying to figure out how to make, or if our budget will flow this year.

But....looking back at the last few months I've realized a thankful heart is the way I need to start this year.  Especially BECAUSE of this girl, I mean, how can you not be thankful for this?

Matt and I were going through pictures the other day and I was marveling at how the Lord takes situations and can change them and your attitude toward them so fast.

Here, thankful we were getting ready to greet our little one, but this was the night before I went into labor and I was not super thankful about the whole pregnancy thing anymore:

48 hours later, I couldn't have been more thankful as I held my baby for the first time:

I've realized that thankfulness really is the key to so much.  To being joyful, peaceful, and content in what the Lord has in store from us, it all starts with being thankful for the tremendous gifts and blessings that He has given us. 

And I'm especially thankful for the special time I have to spend with my little girl now, especially since we have gone hermit style during this flu, RSV, stomach bug season to try and stay away from it all.

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