Although we are just shy of 3 months here, this baby girl is already starting to move and shake more than I can handle! This week we crested the point of some 6 month clothes being too small and have busted out a few 9 month outfits that she fits in. I measured her two weeks after her 2 month appointment and she had grown 2 inches, 2 inches in 2 weeks! .....girlfriend is going to be wearing 4T on her first birthday I think.
Her new trick is to spin circles on her play mat. Here is her progression over the course of a half hour she spun all the way around I just wasn't there with the camera ready, but she's quite mobile for someone who doesn't crawl yet!
She also had some reading time with Daddy the other night, she was very into it as you can see, I wasn't sure she would be but she sat quite intently while he read the book several times to her:
And, Mommy got a little crazy and purchases some headbands.
The flowers detach so you can mix and match, there are a couple (the zebra print) I don't think will get worn out of the house, but we put one of them on for a test run:
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
It's cold down here, and I don't just mean for Virginia I think 10 degrees anywhere is cold. But I will say after only living down here for 2 years, I enjoy my 50 degree winters and don't miss the constant freezing and snow too much. Because of the cold weather and raging flu season Little Miss and I haven't ventured out much in the last week. Because when we do, this is what is required:
Little Miss has started talking a lot more lately, she has also really been working on her eye hand coordination, which has been so fun to see, she doesn't like it when I interrupt her playtime though:
And sometimes playtime can be so tiring that a nap in the jungle is required
Little Miss isn't much of a napper, so it's actually very exciting when she falls asleep at all during the day, although we can't complain because at 12 weeks this girl usually sleeps 8-10 hours a night.
This little girl is also obsessed with screens, the TV or computer, she loves the TV, and it's not like we even have it on that much, but if it's on no matter where she is in the room, she'll find it. The computer is a close second, she was helping Daddy do the taxes the other day, she sat there for a long time watching him type and check off boxes, I'm glad she's that excited about doing taxes, mommy and daddy certainly aren't!
We're waiting for our warm weather to come back (which it should next week, 58 degrees in the forcast) so we can start going for walks again and get out of the house!
It's cold down here, and I don't just mean for Virginia I think 10 degrees anywhere is cold. But I will say after only living down here for 2 years, I enjoy my 50 degree winters and don't miss the constant freezing and snow too much. Because of the cold weather and raging flu season Little Miss and I haven't ventured out much in the last week. Because when we do, this is what is required:
Little Miss has started talking a lot more lately, she has also really been working on her eye hand coordination, which has been so fun to see, she doesn't like it when I interrupt her playtime though:
And sometimes playtime can be so tiring that a nap in the jungle is required
Little Miss isn't much of a napper, so it's actually very exciting when she falls asleep at all during the day, although we can't complain because at 12 weeks this girl usually sleeps 8-10 hours a night.
This little girl is also obsessed with screens, the TV or computer, she loves the TV, and it's not like we even have it on that much, but if it's on no matter where she is in the room, she'll find it. The computer is a close second, she was helping Daddy do the taxes the other day, she sat there for a long time watching him type and check off boxes, I'm glad she's that excited about doing taxes, mommy and daddy certainly aren't!
We're waiting for our warm weather to come back (which it should next week, 58 degrees in the forcast) so we can start going for walks again and get out of the house!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Sad Day
Today more than every I'm thankful for my life, and the life of my sweet little baby girl. This year more than ever the abortion debate has hit me and the Hubs hard. We just look at our precious girl and can't imagine anyone wanting to kill her. I'm not only said for the the babies kill, but that we live in a culture that makes women feel like they are forced into that position, or that they have the option for their own pleasure. My prayers are for the babies killed, the babies who are going to be killed, and their mommies, and also that the hard hearts in this country will be softened and we will see the whole culture of sex, contraception, and pleasure first which causes such an epidemic of abortions changed.

As we get into the craziness that is 2013 already, we're working on being thankful around here, at least I am. It's so easy to get caught up in the crazy, especially now with NoodleBug starting to do new things everyday and growing faster than I can keep up with, we're moving in the next month and a half, and trying to figure out how to make, or if our budget will flow this year.
But....looking back at the last few months I've realized a thankful heart is the way I need to start this year. Especially BECAUSE of this girl, I mean, how can you not be thankful for this?
Matt and I were going through pictures the other day and I was marveling at how the Lord takes situations and can change them and your attitude toward them so fast.
Here, thankful we were getting ready to greet our little one, but this was the night before I went into labor and I was not super thankful about the whole pregnancy thing anymore:
48 hours later, I couldn't have been more thankful as I held my baby for the first time:
I've realized that thankfulness really is the key to so much. To being joyful, peaceful, and content in what the Lord has in store from us, it all starts with being thankful for the tremendous gifts and blessings that He has given us.
And I'm especially thankful for the special time I have to spend with my little girl now, especially since we have gone hermit style during this flu, RSV, stomach bug season to try and stay away from it all.
As we get into the craziness that is 2013 already, we're working on being thankful around here, at least I am. It's so easy to get caught up in the crazy, especially now with NoodleBug starting to do new things everyday and growing faster than I can keep up with, we're moving in the next month and a half, and trying to figure out how to make, or if our budget will flow this year.
But....looking back at the last few months I've realized a thankful heart is the way I need to start this year. Especially BECAUSE of this girl, I mean, how can you not be thankful for this?
Matt and I were going through pictures the other day and I was marveling at how the Lord takes situations and can change them and your attitude toward them so fast.
Here, thankful we were getting ready to greet our little one, but this was the night before I went into labor and I was not super thankful about the whole pregnancy thing anymore:
48 hours later, I couldn't have been more thankful as I held my baby for the first time:
I've realized that thankfulness really is the key to so much. To being joyful, peaceful, and content in what the Lord has in store from us, it all starts with being thankful for the tremendous gifts and blessings that He has given us.
And I'm especially thankful for the special time I have to spend with my little girl now, especially since we have gone hermit style during this flu, RSV, stomach bug season to try and stay away from it all.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
This is a picture of the creepiest looking childrens toy ever created....
There are 3 of these. I think they are incredibly creepy and weird looking. NoodleBug currently sleeps in her pac'n'play, when we move in 2 months we'll be getting her a more permanent bed. When I first unpacked and set up said device, I saw that it came with owls. Matt and I looked at them and started laughing about how horribly awful they are, how no child would ever like them, and how they would probably cause nightmares.
Then she saw them, and it was love at first joke.
Below are a series of pictures taken at various times as she lays there and chats it up with her best buds....anytime she is fussy and having a hard day, put her down, give her a passy, and in 2 seconds she's laughing and smiling at her owls.
Like I said, girlfriend loves these things, she isn't smiling at me in any of these. I have to sneak in and take the pictures because if she sees me and I interrupt her she goes deadpan and will not smile. I'll be up for a half hour and think she's still sleeping, peak to check on her, and she's laying there staring contently at the owls. I may have to figure out a way to rig these things to her crib when we get one. We've tried replacing the owls with different toys, but no good. I hope one day when she's older and we show her the owl she'll appreciate how funny it is that she was in love with them.
This is a picture of the creepiest looking childrens toy ever created....
There are 3 of these. I think they are incredibly creepy and weird looking. NoodleBug currently sleeps in her pac'n'play, when we move in 2 months we'll be getting her a more permanent bed. When I first unpacked and set up said device, I saw that it came with owls. Matt and I looked at them and started laughing about how horribly awful they are, how no child would ever like them, and how they would probably cause nightmares.
Then she saw them, and it was love at first joke.
Below are a series of pictures taken at various times as she lays there and chats it up with her best buds....anytime she is fussy and having a hard day, put her down, give her a passy, and in 2 seconds she's laughing and smiling at her owls.
Like I said, girlfriend loves these things, she isn't smiling at me in any of these. I have to sneak in and take the pictures because if she sees me and I interrupt her she goes deadpan and will not smile. I'll be up for a half hour and think she's still sleeping, peak to check on her, and she's laying there staring contently at the owls. I may have to figure out a way to rig these things to her crib when we get one. We've tried replacing the owls with different toys, but no good. I hope one day when she's older and we show her the owl she'll appreciate how funny it is that she was in love with them.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
So, blogging, the totally "in thing" these days. I don't have a smart phone, I don't really use Facebook for anything but stalking people, I don't use Instagram, I don't tweet, and here I am with a blog. Really just a space for me to share with family and friends how fast my crazy baby girl is growing. The above picture was taken 2 weeks ago and she wouldn't fit in that onsies if it was the last piece of clothing left. Will I ever write on this blog? Doubtful, I fully expect that I imagine I have the time, talent and wit to carry this out, but let's be honest, I'm way cooler in my own head than I am in real life......
So, blogging, the totally "in thing" these days. I don't have a smart phone, I don't really use Facebook for anything but stalking people, I don't use Instagram, I don't tweet, and here I am with a blog. Really just a space for me to share with family and friends how fast my crazy baby girl is growing. The above picture was taken 2 weeks ago and she wouldn't fit in that onsies if it was the last piece of clothing left. Will I ever write on this blog? Doubtful, I fully expect that I imagine I have the time, talent and wit to carry this out, but let's be honest, I'm way cooler in my own head than I am in real life......
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